Sandra is standing up for her udal law rights. She has been plagued with bird watchers and others abusing their 'rights' under Scottish 'right to roam' legislation - even to the point of setting traps. She has finally decided enough is enough. She has spent thousands of pounds on solicitors with no result except to line their pockets and get her convicted on false evidence.
We recently discovered that the Crown defines its sovereignty as allodial (udal) ownership. In Shetland, all land is allodial, so what's good for the goose......
Although udal law has never been repealed, it is repugnant to Scottish lawyers because it doesn't fit with Scots law. The once proud inheritors of their sovereign rights were reduced to little more than serfs by incoming Scottish 'dignitaries' waving a charter from Scottish kings who did not have it to give. Sandra's Viking blood has been raised and she is willing to do all it takes to defend her land.
Faced with another trumped up charge, this time for alleged abusive behaviour, Sandra approached The Sovereign Nation of Shetland and we have been delighted to help her ditch solicitors and represent herself.
Normally, a criminal case consists of three hearings - first, intermediate and trial. The purpose of the intermediate hearing is to make sure the parties are ready for trial. Wednesday 2 August 2023 was the third intermediate hearing (when there should only be one), so we are making progress and things are now so serious that Sandra is, for no reason, being threatened with psychiatric and mental health assessments, which could result in her being sent to a mental hospital. These are like Gestapo tactics. At the 12 July hearing she was suddenly and without warning, sent to police cells - apparently to 'soften her up'.
There is no record kept of what is said at these hearings, so they can get away with more or less what they like. On that day, Sandra was kept until last with nobody in the public gallery (except me) to witness events. I was able to witness events and give a detailed account in my Statement of Truth. That account contains damning evidence about the Scottish justice system in general and about certain officials in particular.
Meanwhile, I have prepared a Statement of Truth which sets out how the courts operate and what happened at the last hearing. What you read in the press gives only a sketchy idea of what actually happened. Miscarriages of justice were hidden in plain sight.
See the Statement of Truth here.